SCE&G and SCANA Subsidiaries Pay More Than $22 million in Property Taxes to Richland County

January 20, 2009

COLUMBIA, SC – January 20, 2008 – South Carolina Electric & Gas Co. and other subsidiaries of SCANA paid nearly $124 million in property taxes statewide in 2008, with almost $22.7 million of that amount paid to Richland County.

“It’s important for our customers and citizens to know that, in addition to being good corporate citizens, we contribute to our local communities through the property taxes we pay,” said SCE&G District Manager Kelvin Rogers. “Property taxes are fundamental in funding education and other critical, local public services in our area and we are glad to do our part.”

SCANA Corporation, a Fortune 500 company headquartered in Columbia, SC, is an energy-based holding company principally engaged, through subsidiaries, in electric and natural gas utility operations and other energy-related businesses. The Company serves approximately 649,000 electric customers in South Carolina and more than 1.2 million natural gas customers in South Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia. Information about SCANA and its businesses is available on the Company’s web site at

County Tax Payments by SCANA Corporation
(includes all companies) 

ABBEVILLE     $294,334.04
AIKEN           $7,655,174.93
ALLENDALE    $975,788.91
ANDERSON    $4,117.79
BAMBERG       $858,520.66
BARNWELL     $1,258,590.24
BEAUFORT     $3,507,805.10
BERKELEY      $4,588,602.07
CALHOUN       $581,455.32
CHARLESTON $8,865,913.18
CHEROKEE     $263,143.10
CHESTER       $111,179.94
CHESTERFIELD $163,140.74
CLARENDON   $38,366.62
COLLETON     $4,191,673.22
DARLINGTON  $278,968.74
DILLON         $91,490.07
DORCHESTER $3,417,519.22
EDGEFIELD    $871,528.75
FAIRFIELD     $19,995,241.32
FLORENCE     $775,265.52
GEORGETOWN $144,889.01
GREENVILLE    $2,805.81
GREENWOOD $20,576.42
HAMPTON      $1,842,802.27
HORRY         $364,698.13
JASPER        $5,871,971.07
KERSHAW    $588,023.09
LANCASTER   $105,594.45
LEE              $139,320.40
LEXINGTON  $20,300,426.56
MARION      $127,046.82
MARLBORO $26,413.55
McCORMICK $229,727.99
NEWBERRY  $701,828.43
ORANGEBURG $10,432,593.02
RICHLAND   $22,695,977.12
SALUDA     $793,121.13
SPARTANBURG   $11,466.32
SUMTER          $530,482.10
UNION           $234,503.90
WILLIAMSBURG   $108,238.26
YORK   $187,267.24
TOTAL PAYMENT $124,247,592.57