SCE&G Honored with Governor’s Volunteer Award

April 18, 2012

COLUMBIA, SC -April 18, 2012 – Gov. Nikki Haley presented SouthCarolina Electric & Gas with the 2012 South Carolina Governor’sVolunteer Award at a ceremony at the State House. SCE&G employeesfrom the company’s Canadys Station plant near Walterboro were honoredfor more than 30 years of work in support of Camp Happy Days, a summercamp in Charleston for children with cancer.

Each year, SCE&Gemployees from Canadys Station raise money to fund scholarships thathelp send kids to Camp Happy Days each summer. In addition, manyemployees volunteer to go to the camp the week of July 4 and serveboiled peanuts and drinks to the campers and counselors. The staff at Camp Happy Days calls the SCE&G volunteers the “Peanut Gang.”

SCE&G was nominated for the award by Teresa Bishop, program director with Camp Happy Days. Bishop said the SCE&G volunteer group has provided an admirable service to the camp since the late 1980s.

TheGovernor’s Volunteer Service Awards are presented every year torecognize volunteers who have provided exceptional service to theircommunities. The selection committee is made up of volunteer administrators representing various areas of volunteerism. This year, the committee reviewed 49 nominations and chose winners in eight categories. SCE&G was recognized in the “group” category.

Fivevolunteers from Canadys Station made the trip to Columbia to accept theaward on behalf of all of the employees at the plant. They includeJames Brown, plant electrician; Ralph Polk, plant instrument mechanic;Donald Baucom, lab analyst; Bill Ellis, retired shift supervisor; andKevin Wicker, plant manager.

A luncheon sponsored by the UnitedWay Association of South Carolina was held at the Governor’s Mansionimmediately following the awards presentation at the State House.