Scott receives awards for commitment to protecting South Carolina families

August 1, 2015

Named NRF’s Heroes of Main Street and CCAGW’s Taxpayer Super Hero in Same Week


WASHINGTON, SC –  U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) proudly accepted two awards this week that highlight his ongoing work to standing up for South Carolina’s families and its small and retail businesses in the U.S. Senate. The National Retail Federation (NRF) named him a “Hero of Main Street” for his commitment to policies that promote America’s retail sector, and the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (CCAGW) awarded Scott their “Taxpayer Super Hero” Award for his steadfast efforts to cut wasteful spending and make government more accountable to taxpayers.

“”Every day I am committed to working to unleash opportunity for individuals, families and job creators all throughout South Carolina and around the country,”” Scott said. “”By supporting pro-growth policies that allow our economy to recover and thrive, while also holding the line on spending and growth on the federal level, I believe we can create a climate that grows our economy, creates good paying jobs and strengthens communities.”

The NRF’s Hero of Main Street award was created in 2013 to recognize members of Congress for support of the retail industry’s public policy priorities. Award eligibility is based on key votes, bill sponsorship and advocacy to advance the industry’s priorities. The “heroes” have supported policies and initiatives defined by NRF that recognize the contributions of the retail industry, and have worked to encourage a “vibrant, sustained and healthy” retail sector.


Since 1989, the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (CCAGW) has examined roll call votes to help identify which members of Congress have defended taxpayer interests and which have backed down on their promises of fiscal responsibility. The Ratings separate the praiseworthy from the profligate by evaluating important tax, spending, transparency, and accountability measures. CCAGW applauds those members of Congress who stood up for taxpayers and ignored the temptations of satisfying local or special interests. However, those who supported a big-government agenda should be prepared to face the consequences for their spendthrift behavior. CCAGW’s 2014 Congressional Ratings, for the second session of the 113th Congress, scored 85 votes in the House of Representatives and 13 votes in the Senate.

“In awarding the Taxpayer Super Heroes, CCAGW President Tom Schatz said, “CCAGW applauds the Taxpayer Super Heroes for their votes to cut wasteful spending and make government more accountable to taxpayers. In today’s fiscal climate, the actions of these members are refreshing, and their constituents should offer them hardy congratulations. On the other hand, far too many members of Congress in 2014 continued to support a further expansion of the bureaucratic morass at the expense of hard-working taxpayers. Hopefully, these profligate members will vote more often in 2015 to eliminate the waste, fraud, abuse and mismanagement that runs rampant in Washington.”