SCRA Announces Call For Proposals

November 16, 2014

Second Round of Proposals for S.C.-Israel Industry R&D Collaboration

SUMMERVILLE, SC –  SCRA and the Israeli Industry Center for R&D (MATIMOP) jointly released a formal call for proposals that launches the second round of projects to be funded under the South Carolina – Israel Industry R&D program. The Request for Proposals (RFP) is in support of a collaborative industrial research and development program established in an agreement between the Government of the State of South Carolina and the Government of the State of Israel and managed by SCRA.

The first round of proposals was launched last year and resulted in awarding two projects to S.C.-Israeli teams.

The industry R&D program is designed to promote collaboration opportunities for South Carolina and Israeli partners. SCRA and MATIMOP will review proposals approximately twice per year, in March and in September. The full text of the call for proposals is available on the SCRA website at

Consistent with the initial call for proposals, the focus of this call will be on the following technology domains:

    • Biomedical / Life Sciences
    • Advanced Materials
    • Sustainable Energy / Water / Agriculture Systems
    • Transportation (Aerospace / Automotive)
    • Defense / Homeland Security
    • Insurance / Health Information Technology


To assist interested South Carolina companies in identifying potential project partners in Israel, SCRA is scheduling an information exchange session with MATIMOP in early December, as part of the S.C.- Israel research and business collaboration mission trip to Israel. At that time, SCRA and MATIMOP will begin a “matchmaking” process designed to connect interested parties with potential collaboration partners in both states. Any South Carolina-based company that is interested in identifying one or more potential partners in Israel for a collaborative R&D project is encouraged to complete a short company profile on the SCRA website and email it to Russ Keller at [email protected].


About SCRA

SCRA is an applied research corporation with over 30 years of experience delivering technology solutions with high returns on investment to federal and corporate clients. To fulfill our mission, SCRA has three sectors: Our Technology Ventures sector has helped over 300 early-stage companies to commercialize innovations and create jobs, our Applied R&D sector manages over 100 national and international programs worth $2.8 billion in contract value and our R&D Facilities sector builds and manages research facilities that include wet labs, secure rooms for sensitive work and advanced, high-tech manufacturing shops. Multiple economic impact studies show SCRA’s cumulative output into South Carolina’s economy to be over $16.6 billion.