Senator Clementa Pinckney Recognized as Champion of Affordable Housing

May 8, 2012

COLUMBIA, SC – May 8, 2012 – Senator Clementa Pinckney has beenrecognized as Elected Official of the Year by the South Carolina StateHousing Finance and Development Authority (SC State Housing).  Thishonor is presented annually to a person who holds elected office on anylevel who has devoted their position toward improving affordable housingopportunities.
Senator Pinckney has a distinguished record of service in public office –he served in the South Carolina House of Representatives from 1997 to2000 and was elected to the State Senate in 2001, where he hascontinuously represented District 45.  He has worked tirelessly onbehalf of his constituents in Beaufort, Charleston, Colleton, Hamptonand Jasper Counties and has been a vigorous advocate for affordablehousing.  His vision and efforts resulted in one of the only statestatutes providing “heirs’ property” owners a right of first refusalwhen facing partition actions to divest them of their interest in aproperty. This legislation has been endorsed by the American BarAssociation and is now being adopted in other states.
Most recently he has worked to protect homeowners from abusiveforeclosure processes.  He has traveled around the state to listen todistressed homeowners tell their stories of trying to save their homes.  He actively engaged in public hearings on foreclosure issues held inGreenville, Columbia and Charleston counties earlier this year, askingquestions and looking for solutions to foreclosure issues.  He hasfacilitated presentations in his district to help provide hisconstituents with information and to find out what barriers they face tokeeping their homes.
“Through his dedication and commitment to affordable housing, we knowconsumers, homeowners and working families will always have an advocateand champion at the State House.  He is a statesman and a friend to manyof us who work daily to make sure affordable housing is available toall who need it,” said Valarie Williams, Executive Director of SC StateHousing.
Senator Pinckney received the award at the 2012 Palmetto AffordableHousing Forum during the South Carolina Housing Achievement AwardsLuncheon in Columbia on April 19.  Senator Pinckney was nominated forthe award by Appleseed Legal Justice and AARP-SC.  Sue Berkowitz,Director, Appleseed Legal Justice Center and Wallace Cunningham,Associate State Director–Multicultural Outreach, AARP–SC were on hand tocongratulate Senator Pinckney as he accepted his award.

About SC State Housing

For forty years, SC State Housing has created quality affordablehousing opportunities for the citizens of South Carolina.  The agency’svision is that all residents have the opportunity to live in safe,decent and affordable housing.  The agency administers a number ofFederal and State programs directed at low and low-to-moderate incomeSouth Carolinians.  SC State Housing is self-sustaining and receives nostate appropriations.  For more information, visit