South Carolina’s Employment Situation
November 15, 2013September 2013: State’s unemployment rate drops
November 15, 2013 – After several months of little or no change, the state’s seasonally adjustedunemployment rate dropped to 7.9 percent in September from 8.1 percentin August.
Nationally, the September unemployment rate had a slight increase to 7.3 percent from August’s estimate of 7.2 percent.
“This is great news for South Carolinians because the last time the statewide rate was below 8.0 percent was in September 2008,” said SC Departmentof Employment and Workforce Executive Director Cheryl M. Stanton. “AsSouth Carolina’s economy continues to recover, DEW is committed tocontinuing to match job seekers with available jobs and get all SouthCarolinians good jobs.”
“With over 39,000 jobs created and over$9.6 billion in new investment it’s clear that our economic developmentefforts are building momentum. South Carolina’s unemployment rate is now at a five year low but we want it even lower and will continue doingeverything possible to make that happen,” said Governor Nikki Haley.