South Risk Management Receives Accolades from Large Insurance Carrier

October 13, 2014

COLUMBIA, SC – South Risk Management (SRM) received a business honor from large national insurance carrier FCCI Insurance Group when SRM was spotlighted in FCCI’s current annual report to shareholders.

FCCI Insurance Group has secured relationships with insurance agencies in 18 states and most recently reported assets of $1.9 billion. The company spotlighted SRM in its latest annual report as one of its most important partner relationships in the Southeast.

“In a short period of time, SRM has become one of our top partnerships in South Carolina, and we expect to see that level of success continue well into our future together,” says FCCI’s Senior Vice President for the Southeast Region, Kent Skidmore. “Trust is a driving factor – maybe the most important factor – in the relationship between an agency and insurance carrier, and a high level of mutual trust we know we can count on has been built…Even more importantly, it’s a level of trust our policyholders can count on, too.”


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South Risk Management (SRM) and FCCI partners (left to right): David Wells III (SRM), Tripp Hafner (SRM), Tina Reiff (FCCI), Patrick McKain (SRM), Todd Laudun (FCCI), Kent Skidmore (FCCI), WD Morris Jr. (SRM), and Kevin Bishop (FCCI).


“Because of our success with FCCI, we have managed to foster relationships with the executive team within FCCI, including the president of the company as well as the chairman of the board. This relationship depth really helps us when we are attempting to help our clients with whatever their insurance needs may be,” says SRM partner Patrick McKain.


About South Risk Management, LLC

South Risk Management was founded in 2006 in Columbia, SC, and provides risk management services and products in four areas: construction surety bonds, commercial insurance, personal insurance, and employee benefits. South Risk Management’s philosophy focuses on building strong relationships with both insurance carriers and clients, bridging the gap between the insurance industry and the companies and individuals it serves. The company services customers in South Carolina and across the Southeast. Read more about the firm’s areas of expertise at