Spiro Institute Establishes Faculty Fellows to Cultivate Entrepreneurship

January 21, 2015

CLEMSON, SC — Six Clemson University professors have been appointed as Arthur M. Spiro Institute Faculty Fellows and are charged with expanding entrepreneurial activity among students, staff and faculty at Clemson.

The group includes one member from each of Clemson’s five colleges as well as one from the Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research.

The primary goal of the Spiro Institute is to build undergraduate and graduate courses of study in entrepreneurship that are interdisciplinary in scope and that enable successful entrepreneurs to interact frequently with students and faculty to enhance the classroom experience. Successfully implementing these programs across all colleges at Clemson depends on the personal commitment and active involvement of these select faculty members.

Spiro Faculty Fellows are expected to be zealous advocates on behalf of the institute, to be enthusiastic communicators of its missions and to play an integral role in entrepreneurship and fundraising activities on and off campus. They also work with the Spiro Advisory Board to actively identify and foster linkages and affiliations between the institute and other faculty, staff and students.

The Arthur M. Spiro Institute for Entrepreneurial Leadership was founded in 1999 to provide an educational and research program in entrepreneurship designed to contribute to the economic de­velopment of the region, state and nation by focusing on wealth creation through entrepreneurial activity.

Fellows serve a two-year term, which may be renewed. The inaugural group has two members who are running businesses of their own and two who are active members of the Upstate Carolina Angel Network.

2015 Spiro Faculty Fellows, representing the following Colleges and Institutes:

College of Business and Behavioral Science

College of Engineering and  Science

College of Health, Education and Human Development

College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities

College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences

Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research
