State veterinarian elected to office in U.S. Animal Health Association

December 4, 2014

CLEMSON, SC — S.C. state veterinarian Boyd Parr was elected first vice president of the United States Animal Health Association. Parr was installed with the association’s 2014-2015 officers at its 118th annual meeting in Kansas City. The officers represent the executive committee for the organization, the leading forum for animal health issues in the United States, promoting active participation from industry, academia and government.

Livestock Poultry Health (LPH) protects the health of food animals and other livestock, helping ensure not only productivity but also access to domestic and export markets. These services to the agribusiness industry make significant impacts on economic activity in the state.Parr is employed by Clemson University as director of Livestock Poultry Health since 2009. He has been with the department since 2004, when he left private dairy practice. Parr is the southern district representative.

LPH functions include conducting surveillance for diseases that affect both humans and animals, providing the diagnostic expertise that allows for treatment and eradication of disease in domestic animals, identifying diseases in wildlife that could affect humans or domestic animals, inspecting and testing the processing of meat and poultry products and coordinating state agricultural animal emergency response.

The U.S. Animal Health Association provides a national venue for stakeholders to identify the most effective methods to protect and improve animal health and welfare and public health.

Bruce King of Utah was elected president of the association.