Statement from Greenville Chamber President/CEO Carlos Phillips

May 10, 2017

Today, South Carolina legislators passed a road-funding bill that will provide a reliable, steady revenue stream for repairs and construction for our state’s roads and bridges.

According to Greenville Chamber President and CEO Carlos Phillips:

“For five years, the Upstate business community has worked with partners across the state for new, sustainable and substantial funding for our crumbling infrastructure. That work has finally borne fruit.”

“This week, the General Assembly exhibited the leadership we ask of our elected officials: They tackled one of our state’s biggest problems and found a solution that advances our state. We thank the representatives and senators who repeatedly voted to fix our roads, and we ask the Upstate business community to do the same. Citizens and businesses throughout the Upstate also deserve a nod of appreciation, for it was your clarion calls that influenced the passage of this forward thinking solution.

“We look forward to seeing the road cones and barricades that mean our long-neglected infrastructure is finally being repaired. Two decades of neglect will not be fixed overnight, but today’s action means we will have the road infrastructure we need for a globally competitive Upstate economy where businesses succeed and people prosper.”

For more information or for questions about the Greenville Chamber’s business advocacy positions, please contact Jason Zacher, Vice President of Business Advocacy, at 864-787-6608 or[email protected].