Swamp Rabbit Cafe and local non-profit to host a Tire Pull river cleanup – April 27

April 17, 2019

Local citizens are testing their strength by removing tires from the Reedy River as part of a new event, the Tire Pull. The Swamp Rabbit Cafe and the Friends of the Reedy River are teaming up to host the Tire Pull river cleanup on Saturday, April 27, 2019. Participants are encouraged to return on Sunday, May 5, 2019 for a craft day to reuse and repurpose the tires that are pulled from the Reedy River. The tires will be repurposed into play equipment for the Swamp Rabbit kids’ area.

Friends of the Reedy River hosts at least two large clean-up events each year, along with organizing smaller clean-ups for businesses and communities to get involved. They are very excited to partner with Swamp Rabbit Cafe to bring a creative twist to cleaning up the river. “One of our objectives at Swamp is to reuse whatever we can to help reduce waste. We do this all of the time in our kitchen. For example, using the bones from our butchery to make broth, or saving our egg shells to make compost. This event is just expanding that way of thinking to benefit both the Reedy and our playground. With a little effort and some creativity, most things can be repurposed into something new!” says Rachel Pitman, Event Coordinator for Swamp Rabbit Cafe. Olivia Dunn, staff person for Friends of the Reedy River is very excited about the event and states, “it’s terrible that there are so many tires in the Reedy River but I know that our volunteers will have tons of energy and will create beauty out of something that had once been abandoned. It is always inspiring to see the end result of a community effort!” Tires are a major issue in the Reedy River because not only are they unsightly, but they also provide an ideal space for bacteria to grow. In addition, studies show that tires are a major source of microplastic pollution in natural water sources. A Reedy with less tires and trash is a healthy Reedy!

The river cleanup, which will focus on pulling tires from the Reedy River, is from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Saturday, April 27th. Check-in will take place at the Swamp Rabbit Cafe and participants will walk a short distance on the Swamp Rabbit Trail to the tire pull location. The craft day at the Swamp Rabbit Cafe is from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Sunday, May 5th.

Friends of the Reedy River is excited to be partnering with the Swamp Rabbit Cafe to clean up the Reedy River while bringing new life to items that were once looked at as trash.

Individuals and groups can sign-up for the event through this jot form at bit.ly/tirepull or the Facebook event page. Participants should dress appropriately and be prepared to get in the river by wearing old clothes and shoes that can get dirty and wet. The tires are primarily in the river, not on the riverbanks, so waders and boots are highly recommended.


Friends of the Reedy River

Friends of the Reedy River is a 501(c) (3) non-profit, volunteer-based, conservation organization dedicated to promoting, protecting, and restoring the Reedy River. For over 25 years, Friends of the Reedy River has carried out its work through education, action, and advocacy. We envision a safe, clean, and accessible river corridor that enhances the quality of life for all residents, businesses, and visitors. For more information visit www.friendsofthereedyriver.org.