The Citadel’s board approves tuition and fees for 2017-18 academic year

June 19, 2017

The Citadel’s Board of Visitors approved tuition and fees for the 2017-18 academic year. The Citadel’s fee structure is different from most colleges and universities because the costs of room and board, as well as multiple sets of military uniforms, are built into one, overall rate. This is because members of the South Carolina Corps of Cadets─ the undergraduate population─ are required to live in the barracks all four years, to take all meals in the mess hall, and to wear uniforms at all times while on campus. Laundry, dry-cleaning, books, and haircuts are also included in the cost of attendance. These costs do not include other fees set by the college, such as specific targeted fees or lab fees which vary according to the academic major or schedule of each cadet or student.

For the 2017-18 academic year, the cost of attendance for in-state and out-of-state cadets will increase by 3.25 percent. The charges for freshmen are higher because most uniforms are purchased the first year.


Cost of attendance for Cadets


In-State Out-of-State


$23,673 $45,436


$28,743 $50,506


The Board of Visitors also approved fees for the evening undergraduate and graduate programs managed by The Citadel Graduate College (CGC). Those fees will also increase by 3.25% for in-state and out-of-state students. Cost per credit hour for the online programs will not change.


Students in graduate programs will pay $587 if in-state, or $988 if living out-of-state, per credit hour. Costs for evening undergraduate students per credit hour will be $470 for in-state and $874 for out-of-state students.

“We constantly work to improve our efficiency, while ensuring that The Citadel fully supports our mission to educate and develop principled leaders,” said Col. Joseph Garcia, vice president for finance and business. “We do everything possible to minimize any tuition increases to assist current and future students.”

Students will receive invoices for the 2017-2018 academic year in early July.