The Happy Habit

November 9, 2017

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By Tammy Moshier


Attitude Adjustment in a Bottle

I have lots of bottles of perfume that I love.  One is for special occasions.  One is for date night.  One is by Clinique, and it’s called Happy.  It is more than just a bottle of perfume to me.  It’s the closest thing I have found to attitude adjustment in a bottle.

Each morning when I am getting dressed and I grab the pretty bottle with the citrus orange cap I think “I am choosing to put on some Happy today.  I am making a decision to apply happiness.”  Key words:  “choosing” and “making a decision.”

Sometimes I start the day with a positive attitude but hit a bump along the way.  Most days are probably that way for all of us.  We start the day with our devotional or meditation or early morning exercise.  We are determined to have a good day, but sometimes life has other ideas.  Sick children, cars that refuse to start,  overflowing toilets.  Life is hectic.  It’s hard to keep your happy in the midst of the chaos that is often our daily life.

Reach For That Bottle

When things get  nuts, I remind myself that Happy is never too far away.  The bumps may come – they probably will come – but we can always make a decision to go back to our happy path.

My little bottle of perfume gives me a tangible way to do this!  Do I have some Happy stashed in the car?  Can I find some Happy in my purse?  Please let there be a little bit of Happy in my desk drawer!  Do I always have some Happy that I can apply?  The answer is usually yes.  It’s my job to grab that bottle.  Choose to put on some Happy!

The little roller ball applicator at the bottom of my purse might be a little sticky and need to be wiped off, but Happy can almost always be found.  I might have to dig through repossessed fidget toys and a spinner or two before finding the itty bitty bottle in my desk at school, but it’s there.  Even in the craziness that can be my middle school world, Happy is always there.    Without fail,  if look long enough I can find some Happy.  Thank goodness for Clinique Bonus Time.  Happy perfume is included in almost every gift.  I’m thankful for those little trial vials and bottles!

Clinique has many lovely brands of perfume.  Aromatics Elixir is wonderful.  Calyx is perfectly lovely, but Happy and I go way back, and I don’t plan to make any changes any time soon!  I like having a perfume named Happy- a symbol of how I want to live my life. Circumstances aren’t always perfect.  They usually are not.  But my attitude can almost always be pretty darn good.  I can choose to wear no perfume at all and take the day as is, or I can grab Happy every chance I get!!!



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