Tindall President/COO Honored As “PCI Titan of the Industry”

December 9, 2014

SPARTANBURG, SC – Tindall Corporation President and Chief Operating Officer Greg Force has been named one of the 2014 PCI Titans of the Industry as PCI celebrates its 60th anniversary. PCI recently recognized several individuals to join the original group that were honored during the 50th anniversary for having served the industry over a long period of time and been instrumental to its growth in the United States.

“It was certainly unexpected,” Force said. “The individuals who have been recognized in the past are people that I’ve always looked up to and been hugely impressed by the tremendous things they’ve done for the industry.  I would not have anticipated my name being among them, but am quite honored by it.”

The Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute is a technical organization that focuses on innovation in design, fabrication and construction of precast, prestressed concrete structures and systems. PCI is instrumental in the advancement of this type of construction through development of design guides, education efforts, certification programs, as well as by active participation in the development of building codes.

Force, who recently served as Chairman of the Board of PCI and has chaired several technical committees and task groups, says that the award has re-energized him to remain actively engaged in the work of the Institute. He is currently Vice Chair of the Research and Development Council and has just been appointed to the Board of Trustees of the PCI Foundation, the primary aim of which is to create a liaison between the precast industry and education.

Tindall Corporation is one of North America’s largest precast concrete companies and a leader in the design, manufacture and installation of precast, prestressed concrete structural systems, architectural cladding systems and underground utility structures.