Tolar proposes transparency measures for county government

April 23, 2018

Lexington County Councilman Ned Tolar wants taxpayers to know exactly how their tax dollars are being spent.
Tolar, who represents the West Columbia area and portions of Lexington, is pushing a series of transparency-related measures he says will impose greater accountability and prevent abuse.

Under his proposal, the county would post its monthly expenditures online in an itemized, checkbook-level, easy-to-read format. Several dozen S.C. cities and counties voluntarily publish “online checkbooks” under a fiscal transparency initiative championed by state Comptroller Richard Eckstrom.

Tolar said the monthly spending reports should be easy for citizens to read.

He also wants the county to post on its website detailed information about all tax exemptions and abatements, as well as vendor contracts and bids submitted as part of the procurement process.

“Transparency holds public officials accountable,” Tolar said. “It’s the ultimate antidote to misspending and abuse. It fosters trust between taxpayers and public officials. And it’s the right thing to do. It’s the people’s money, and the people should see how it’s being spent.”

Tolar said he’s optimistic the proposals will be adopted.