Gitomer March 6, 2013

  March 6, 2013

By Jeffrey GitomerMarch 6, 2013   Last week I promised the answers to why lousy service occurs and how to fixit. If you didn’t read part one, stop now, and…

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Posted in: upstatebizsc   Category: advice

The price is…er, ah, the price is ah…

  October 10, 2007

The price of whatever you sell carries with it a discomfort for most salespeople. They’re hesitant to bring up price because it’s the final element in completing any transaction –…

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Posted in: lowcountrybizsc   Category: advice

Making the sale is easy, now for the hard part.

  July 24, 2007

Make a sale – that’s the easy part. Now comes the hard part: Doing everything else.   That’s why it’s IMPERATIVE that salespeople look at the sale as ONE SMALL…

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Posted in: lowcountrybizsc   Category: advice

Sales is a noble profession

  July 9, 2007

Are you noble enough? I delivered two public seminars in the past two weeks, with a combined audience of more than 1,800 people. Salespeople. Either their company paid or they…

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Posted in: lowcountrybizsc   Category: advice