U.S. Senator Jim DeMint Announces EMPOWER SC Education Reform Summit

April 4, 2012

Summit to feature former Florida Governor Jeb Bush as special guest speaker

COLUMBIA, SC – April 4, 2012 – U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-S.C.)announced that he will partner with Governor Nikki Haley, Speaker of theHouse Bobby Harrell and SC Superintendent of Education Mick Zais tohost the Empower South Carolina Education Reform Summit on Friday, April27, 2012 in Columbia, SC.

The event will begin with a lunchfeaturing former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, Founder of the Foundationfor Excellence in Education, as the keynote speaker and will continuethroughout the afternoon with various informational sessions andnetworking opportunities.

“I’m pleased to be part of this excitingevent that will bring education, business and policy leaders togetherto discuss ideas that can result in meaningful education reform and newopportunities for every South Carolina student,” said DeMint.

“Allover the country, states have stopped looking to Washington and insteadlooked closer to home for practical solutions to secure the futureprosperity of their citizens.  This is especially true in education,where states like Florida have become exciting examples of innovationyielding real results for students.”

Attendees will join education policymakers and opinion leadersfrom around South Carolina and the nation to learn about importantdevelopments and best practices in education reform, grow SouthCarolina’s network of education innovators and strategize on the pathforward for empowering students.

“The success of today’s students will determine our nation’sdestiny,” said Jeb Bush, Former Governor of Florida and Chairman of theFoundation for Excellence in Education.  “Governors and Legislators mustseize the opportunity to transform education for the 21st century.Florida made incredible progress in the last ten years. If Florida cando it, South Carolina can do it.”

What we want for our children is a good quality education thatallows choices for parents and the ability for teachers to teach withouthaving their hands tied by Washington,” said Governor Haley.

“A personalized, customized education for every student is the futureof education. A student-centered approach will transform education froma system that treats students as identical units, teachers as assemblyline workers, and administrators as managers who work to meet productionquotas of dubious quality. It’s not the people in the system who arestifling progress. It’s the system itself that must be replaced,”Superintendent Zais said.

The educational reforms we’ve pursued in South Carolina have focusedon greater choice for students, increased accountability for parentsand the most efficient use of taxpayer dollars, said House SpeakerBobby Harrell.  I am proud to be part of the EMPOWER Summit withSenator DeMint and Governor Bush, which will be an important discussionabout how we can build on the momentum and educational reforms we’vebegun in South Carolina.

“I’m thankful that Gov. Bush is taking the time to visit SouthCarolina to share his unique expertise in the field of education reform.Change is never easy, but an honest dialogue can not only inform, butalso inspire us to consider new ways to empower the next generation withthe skills that will lead to success in school and success in life,”stated DeMint.

The Empower Summit will be held at the Columbia Convention Centerfrom 11:30 AM to 5:30 PM.  Seating is limited and registration isrequired.  For more information, individuals may contact SenatorDeMint’s Columbia office at 803.771.6112 or email [email protected].