Upcoming Hampton Park revitalization meetings

July 9, 2015

The Charleston Parks Conservancy and the City of Charleston have proposed a plan to revitalize and renovate several underused facilities at Hampton Park. The Conservancy continues to seek public input on the proposed plan. If you are a resident of Hampton Park Terrace, North Central, or Wagener Terrace, please come out to learn more and ask questions about the project!

Public Review of the Proposed Lease Agreement & Next Steps:
City Council gave first reading of the lease agreement on May 26, 2015. The Westside Neighborhood Association passed a motion to support the project on May 28, 2015.

The other neighborhoods surrounding Hampton Park are invited to learn more about the project, ask questions, and voice their support and concerns at the following meetings:

  • North Central Neighborhood Association Meeting: Saturday, July 11, 2015 at 11:00am at 1099A King Street
  • Hampton Park Terrace Neighborhood Association Meeting: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 7:00pm at Church of Christ Scientist, 137 Moultrie Street
  • Wagener Terrace Meeting: TBD

Washington Hall & Café at Hampton Park:
The proposed project would enhance the facilities of Hampton Park and provide more ways to enjoy the park and learn about its rich history through an investment in the existing snack bar building as well as the former police horse stables and historic superintendent’s cottage at the park’s northeast corner. The horse stables and cottage have the potential to become a multi-use community center and the existing snack bar building would become an outdoor café. Details of the proposed plan, FAQs, and more can be found here.

Through these proposed improvements, the Conservancy seeks to bring communities together to enjoy one of the city’s most beautiful and historic public spaces, better connect people with their parks, and support improvements to parks throughout the City of Charleston.

Please contact us at (843) 724-5003 if you have any questions.