Verizon Donates $23,000 to Honor Flight Upstate South Carolina

November 24, 2014

The grant enables more veterans to take part in Honor Flights to witness firsthand war memorials in Washington, D.C.


CLEMSON, SC – Verizon presented a $23,000 check to Honor Flight Upstate South Carolina during Saturday’s Clemson vs. Georgia State football game. The grant marks the fifth year that Verizon has partnered with the Honor Flight program to pay tribute to veterans for the sacrifices they have made to our nation’s security.

“Verizon’s longstanding partnership with Honor Flight Upstate South Carolina is important to me because it’s an expression of our company’s gratitude to these veterans who have given so much of themselves and expect so little in return,” said Rich Bulger, sales operations and marketing director for Verizon and a veteran himself.

The Honor Flight program, which is committed to helping veterans experience the memorials built in their honor, provides free flights to Washington, D.C. to any Upstate veteran of World War II or the Korean War. In addition to visiting the memorials for those long-ago conflicts, the vets also travel to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and Arlington National Cemetery.


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For more details on Honor Flight Upstate, please visit


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