VICE NEWS TONIGHT attends Richland County Sheriff’s Dept. training for HBO segment

August 11, 2017

By W. Thomas Smith Jr.


COLUMBIA, S.C. – Vice News Tonight, billed as covering “”underreported stories,” was in town this week, touring the Richland County Sheriff’s Dept. (RCSD) headquarters, talking with deputies and other officers, filming, interviewing Sheriff Leon Lott, and attending a portion of the RCSD’s Critical Incident and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) Awareness training.

“It’s not only important that we provide this pre-PTSD conditioning for our deputies,” says Sheriff Lott [pictured here with VICE News reporters, Thurs. afternoon]. “We need to be able to share with other agencies, nationwide, the value of this training; and hopefully get those agencies to appreciate the importance of developing and conducting similar training for their own officers.”

Lott adds, “Thanks to programs like Vice News Tonight on HBO – even LIVE PD on A&E – we’re better able to tell our story to the benefit of other agencies and departments around the country.”

First broadcast in Oct. 2016, Vice News Tonight is a nightly news program airing weeknights on HBO. A spin-off of VICE, a weekly documentary TV series, Vice News Tonight is HBO’s first-ever daily/nightly television series.

VICE News Tonight airs Mon.-Thurs. evenings at 7:30 p.m. (Eastern) on HBO, and VICE on HBO airs Fri. evenings, 7:30 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. The segments filmed this week at RCSD headquarters in Columbia will air within the next few weeks, time and date to be determined.


For more information about the Richland County Sheriff’s Dept., please visit