Working Families Party Endorses Henri’ Thompson in South Carolina Senate District Twelve
October 10, 2012SPARTANBURG, SC – October 10, 2012 – South Carolina Senate District 12 candidate Henri’ Thompson received the endorsement from The Working Families Party, an organization that focuses on making high quality education accessible to more students and ensuring good, family-supporting jobs for hard-working men and women.
In the South Carolina Senate, Henri’ Thompson will fight for working families. He will stand up and support working families in Columbia.
The cross-endorsement provides Henri’ Thompson with the support of the Working Families Party’s grassroots activist base and also with a second spot on the ballot.
Votes cast for Henri’ Thompson on the Working Families ballot count toward Henri’ Thompson’s total, and also, supporters say, makes a statement about your family values.
Thompson faces freshman Senator Lee Bright in November.