Young Lawyers to distribute 1,000 Constitutions on Constitution Day

September 16, 2015

COLUMBIA, SC —In celebration of Constitution Day on September 17, the South Carolina Bar’s Young Lawyers Division (YLD) will distribute 1,000 pocket-sized copies of the U.S. Constitution across the state. In exchange for receiving a copy, recipients will pledge to “READ IT!”

The “READ IT!” Campaign is an initiative of the YLD’s iCivics Committee to encourage South Carolinians to engage in thought and dialogue about what it means to be a citizen, how to participate in the government process and what rights we all enjoy as citizens.

“President Kennedy put it very powerfully, ‘Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country,’” said Julie Moore Rode, chair of the YLD’s iCivics Committee. “One of the most important things we can all do for our country is very simple; we can study and understand the rights we have as American citizens and be diligent in exercising those rights. The Constitution is the heart of this.”

Lawyers will visit schools, local businesses, college campuses and even walk down main streets and through town squares to distribute copies. Throughout the day the Bar’s social media pages will feature judges and public officials across the state with their own copies of the Constitution and special messages for the public.

The Bar invites the public to participate in the “READ IT!” campaign on social media by sharing constitution facts, photos and engaging discussion using #READIT, #SCBarYLD and #ConstitutionDay.
About the South Carolina Bar Young Lawyers Division

The SC Bar Young Lawyers Division includes all members of the SC Bar under age 36 and those with less than five years membership. 
About the South Carolina Bar

The SC Bar, which has a membership of more than 15,000 lawyers, is dedicated to advancing justice, professionalism and understanding of the law.