New remote volunteer role fosters literacy engagement across the state

June 10, 2024

Turning Pages SC, a nonprofit that believes anyone can move up and ahead through the power of reading, has introduced a remote volunteer program for community residents to give back one hour each month without leaving home. This innovative volunteer opportunity will support the adult learners and tutors in the Turning Pages reading program, ensuring continuous motivation and connection.

The Wellness Volunteer Initiative is designed for those who enjoy engaging in meaningful phone conversations and staying connected to the community. Volunteers will make four scripted calls per month, each lasting under ten minutes, over a six-month commitment period. This role is ideal for stay-at-home parents, retirees, and homebound residents.

Turning Pages SC has two programs that teach adults to read through free, personalized one-on-one weekly tutoring. Remote Wellness Volunteers play a crucial role in maintaining this mission by offering consistent support and routine encouragement to both learners and tutors. Their efforts help sustain the momentum of improving adult literacy across Richland and Lexington Counties.

Volunteers at Turning Pages receive handbooks and training for their new roles.

“Our Remote Wellness Volunteers help remove obstacles for learners and tutors. Each month they call to offer support and learn of any challenges our tutors and learners face so issues can be addressed promptly. Better, Wellness Volunteers hear of little successes along the way so we can celebrate them. What’s amazing is that all this good comes from quick call made from the comfort of the volunteer’s own home,” says Rochelle Noel, the nonprofit’s Senior Wellness Coordinator.

Those interested in remote volunteer work can learn more and sign up at This role offers a simple yet vital way to support SC literacy efforts from anywhere in the state.


About Turning Pages

Founded in 1968, Turning Pages SC has trained over 1,750 tutors and helped over 6,000 adults read better. Adults who read below a 9th grade level receive over 50 hours of free, one-on-one tutoring each year, plus all books.