10X Digital awards digital marketing scholarships

January 16, 2024

10X Digital is proud to announce two winners of the 10X digital marketing scholarship for the Spring 2024 semester, Kaitlyn Marsh and Sarah Amosa. For the past several years, 10X has awarded this bi-annual scholarship which assists with living expenses, books and tuition. 10X is also beginning the renewal process for the next digital marketing scholarship—with a deadline of June 1, 2024, for Fall 2024.

Kaitlyn Marsh is a mental health advocate out of the University of Texas at Austin who is currently pursuing a marketing degree with a Spanish Business Certificate. As a military dependent, she gained a passion for mental health advocacy when her father was diagnosed with service-connected PTSD and anxiety disorders.

She has since turned that advocacy international through interning with nonprofits like Digital4Good x #ICANHELP and Breaking Taboo in their marketing departments. Kaitlyn also volunteers on campus as UT Student Government’s Mental Health Agency Co-Director, where she provides mental health resources to the thousands of students attending UT Austin. Kaitlyn will be using this scholarship to subsidize the cost of attending UT to continue providing support to nonprofits to help them increase their funding and impact.

Sarah Amosa, a senior at UVU, pursues a major in digital marketing, driven by the ambition to become an entrepreneur and establish her own digital agency in the future. Her passion is fueled by a determination to address a noticeable void—the lack of diversity in the industry.

Armed with the knowledge and skills acquired through her studies, certifications, and hands-on experience in internships, she sees herself as a catalyst for change, actively working toward breaking down barriers and promoting diversity within the industry. Sarah will be using this scholarship to further invest in her education, acquiring additional certifications and staying at the forefront of industry trends.

“There were so many qualified applicants for our scholarships and we are thrilled to be awarding two scholarships to very talented, deserving students,” said 10X CEO Holly Rollins.

Each year, 10X Digital INC takes applications with essays for those students who are planning to be enrolled or are currently enrolled in a digital marketing or related field. 10X is very pleased to award such deserving candidates each year.


10X Digital INC is a woman-owned business and a full-service data-driven digital marketing agency, based in Greenville SC. 10X was recognized by Content Marketing Institute as one of the top content marketing agencies in the world since 2014. 10X has regional, national and international marketing clients in many different industries-higher ed and health to financial, student and senior housing. More information on can be found at 10xdigitalinc.com.