2nd Annual Southeast Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling Conference Dec. 6-8

November 28, 2011

Offers Green Building Strategies for Cost Savings, CompetitiveMarketing and Waste Reduction on Construction, Demolition and Renovation Sites

COLUMBIA, SC – December 6-8, 2011 – The Carolina Recycling Association,SC Department of Health and Environmental Control, NC Department ofEnvironment and Natural Resources and US EPA Region 4 are presenting the “Southeast Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling Conference”December 6-8 at the Marriott Downtown Columbia, SC to showcasestrategies to recycle debris from construction and demolition sites.

The conference will offer an educational program focusing on markets for recyclable materials such as shingles, wood, aggregate, and gypsum,methods of on-site separation of materials, strategies to earn US GreenBuilding Council (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design(LEED) credits on construction projects, an overview of materials thatcan be used for greener building, and more.

An exhibit hall will offer attendees a chance to network with providersof recycling services, vendors of green building materials, andequipment. The exhibit hall will be open during a Tuesday eveningreception from 5:30 – 7pm and all day Wednesday, December 7 during theconference.

The intended audience for the conference is the building industry(general contractors, home builders, designers, architects andengineers), the solid waste and recycling industry (material processors, haulers, manufacturers of green building materials and supplies), andgovernment leaders (local, state, federal). These stakeholders ingreener building are encouraged to attend. Conference hosts stronglyencourage members of the building industry to attend this event as itwas designed and scheduled with the construction season in mind; asconstruction projects slow down for winter months, builders have anopportunity to come and learn new waste reduction and green buildingtools for their tool box.

Registration is open for attendees and exhibitors. To learn more about the conference or to register, please visit www.cdrecyclingconference.com/2011/.

The Southeast Construction and Demolition Recycling Conference is eligible for the following Continuing Education Units:

  • National Association of Home Builders CEUs: Designations CGA, CGB, CGP, CGR, GMB, GMR, CAPS
  • Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA): Maximum of 11CEU’s towards MOLO (3 for tour, 5 for all sessions on the 7th, 3 for all sessions on the 8th).
  • NC SWANA: 5 CEUs for landfill certification or 5 CEU’s for Transfer Station certification
  • US Green Building Council LEED: pending.