4 magic words to deal with fear

November 25, 2019
Jerry Bellune

By Jerry Bellune


Physicist Albert Einstein said that to solve problems we’ve never dealt with before we must develop a new way of thinking about the problems and our fears.

Author and entrepreneur Harv Eker believes we must hone our thinking to gain a free, happy and balanced life.

Most of our problems are caused by the way we think. Problems we experience beyond our primal needs for food, shelter and water are created by our minds.

Our minds are survival oriented. We are always looking for what could go wrong.

If you’re considering a new opportunity, perhaps trying something a little risky, your mind will look for problems and try to stop you. Your mind is 100% fear-based.

If you know your mind is fear-based, you know your problems are in your mind.

To create real solutions and act freely, you’ve got to get outside your mind. By trying to protect you, your mind is limiting your capability to think and act.

Admit your concerns and say 4 magic words: “Thank you for sharing.”

Then do what needs to be done.

Our minds are our greatest assets and greatest liabilities. When we overcome fear, we have the power to act freely.

We share such ideas in “Maverick Entrepreneurs’ Million Dollar Strategies.”

For a $20 personally autographed copy, contact us at 803-359-7633.
Copyright 2019, The Bellune Co., Inc.