Shamrocks Shine as Kroger Kicks off Annual Muscular Dystrophy Association Fundraiser

March 30, 2010

Customers encouraged to purchase Irish symbol to aidnon-profit organization

ATLANTA, GA – March 26, 2010 –  In an effort to raise money for andawareness about Muscular Dystrophy, Kroger’s Atlanta Division haslaunched its annual Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) fundraiser,where customers are encouraged to purchase a $1 green shamrock or a $5gold shamrock at their local stores’ cash registers. The fundraiser runsSunday, March 28 through Saturday, April 24, 2010.

“Muscular dystrophy affects millions of Americans,” says Glynn Jenkinsdirector of communications for Kroger’s Atlanta Division. “Kroger is
committed to helping the Muscular Dystrophy Association conquerneuromuscular diseases, as well as aid in the organization’s medical
research, education and health programs.”

The term “Muscular Dystrophy” refers to a group of genetic diseasesthatcauses progressive muscle weakness. While some cases may be mild andprogress slowly over a normal lifespan, others produce severe muscleweakness, functional disability, and loss of the ability to walk.According to the MDA, the financial cost for medicines and treatment forpeople diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy is in the range of $500,000 ayear.

The MDA is a national voluntary health agency comprised of dedicatedscientists and concerned citizens aimed at conquering neuromuscular
diseases. MDA contributes 78.4 cents of every dollar raised directly toresearch, services and education—connecting people diagnosed withmuscular dystrophy to a national network of 230 hospital-affiliatedclinics along with a valuable support system, practical information andessential services to improve their overall wellbeing. For moreinformation about the MDA, please visit

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Kroger’s Atlanta Division is headquartered in Atlanta and is one of theSoutheast’s largest retail grocery chains with more than 216 storescovering Georgia, Eastern Tennessee, Northern Alabama and SouthCarolina. The Company focuses its charitable efforts on hunger relief,K-12 education, women’s health initiatives and local organizations inthe communities it serves. For more information about Kroger, pleasevisit