Celebrating Black Philanthropy Month 2018: For the Culture, For the Future

August 3, 2018

Local young professionals to partner with Central Carolina Community Foundation to celebrate Black Philanthropy Month in the Midlands.



Central Carolina Community Foundation, the Midlands’ local center for philanthropy, invites the community to join the eighth annual Black Philanthropy Month celebrations throughout August 2018. Black Philanthropy Month is a national, coordinated effort to strengthen African-American and African-descent giving in all forms. The Foundation will celebrate the month by sponsoring an adult game day event and promoting a giving day for black-led nonprofits and those supporting African-American individuals and communities. The Foundation will also share stories of impact and giving throughout the month on social media. Find details at https://www.yourfoundation.org/philanthropyforall.

“It is an honor to partner with a number of terrific organizations to promote and host Black Philanthropy Month celebrations across the Midlands,” states JoAnn Turnquist, president and CEO of Central Carolina Community Foundation. “We believe that the diversity of our communities is a fundamental strength of our region and are looking forward to celebrating and supporting the work of our region’s black philanthropists.”

Black Philanthropy Month: “For the Culture, For the Future”

The purpose of Black Philanthropy Month is to inform, involve, inspire, and invest in black philanthropic leadership. This year’s theme “For the Culture, For the Future,” aims to inspire strategic giving in black communities. Founded in 2011 by Dr. Jackie Copeland-Carson and Pan-African Women’s Philanthropy Network, the initiative encompasses self-organized events, community dialogue, and charitable giving across the nation. Community members can follow the national conversation via social media by following #BPM2018 and learn more about ways to celebrate at www.blackphilanthropymonth.com.

“Grown-Up Game Day” Special Event

To raise awareness and increase support of a number of local nonprofits that were founded by or are led by African Americans, Central Carolina Community Foundation will co-host “Grown-Up Game Day” in partnership with The Talented Tenth SC and Columbia Urban League Young Professionals on Saturday, August 19 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Elm Abode in Columbia, S.C. This free event will feature thirteen local nonprofits and participants will have the chance to win prizes by playing a variety of games – from classic board games to video games – sponsored by these organizations. More information can be found at https://grownfolksgameday.eventbrite.com.

First Annual Giving Black Day Launches August 28

The first annual Giving Black Day is scheduled for Tuesday, August 28, 2018. Led by The Young, Black and Giving Back Institute in Washington, D.C., the giving day initiative will culminate Black Philanthropy Month. The initiative urges millennials and generation Xers to support black-led and black-benefiting grassroots organizations. From 8 a.m. to 11 p.m., donors are encouraged to make financial contributions directly to organizations that specifically serve black communities.

Local nonprofits who are interested in getting involved should visit www.givingblackday.org to download the toolkit and find more information. Donors can reach out to their favorite organizations to ask them if they are participating and, if they are not, encourage them to participate.

On August 28, donations can be made directly to participating nonprofits. Registered nonprofits within Central Carolina Community Foundation’s 11-county footprint that raises $250 or more on August 28 and meets the Foundation’s nonprofit eligibility requirements will be entered into a drawing for one of eight $250 prizes provided by the Foundation.

For more information about multicultural philanthropy, visit the Foundation’s webpage at https://www.yourfoundation.org/philanthropyforall.

For more information about Black Philanthropy Month, visit http://www.blackphilanthropymonth.com.

For more information about Giving Black Day, visit https://givingblackday.org/

About Central Carolina Community Foundation

Central Carolina Community Foundation, the Midlands’ center for philanthropy, is a nonprofit organization serving 11 counties in the Midlands by distributing grants and scholarships and linking the resources of donors, nonprofits and area leaders to communities in need. Major initiatives include the Midlands Gives 24-hour online giving challenge, Connected Communities grants, the One SC Fund, the Best of Philanthropy Awards, annual scholarships, and more. For more information about the Foundation, visit www.yourfoundation.org or call 803.254.5601.