Joining the Club

March 30, 2018

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By Amy Coward


I’ve joined a new club. Inadvertently. You see my daughter had a baby a few months ago and suddenly I was thrust into a group of enthusiastic, photo-sharing, story-telling women. People who were strangers a minute ago, but now know me like a sister. You know, grandmas.

It happens everywhere I go. I’m standing somewhere innocently with my grandson on my hip and suddenly everyone practically knows me by name. They ask questions. They give advice. They share pictures. They share their wisdom. “They grow up fast, you know.” “You’ll love every minute!” “You can spoil them all you want.”

I’ve never met so many friendly women in all my life. Who knew it only took having a baby around to make friends?

The equally strange thing is, without any admission fee, secret handshake or training, I’ve become just like them. If someone even mentions a grandchild, my phone is magically in my hand as I race to pull up photos. “Isn’t he the cutest?” “Look at those curls!” Whether the person wants to or not, they’re forced to admire my little one.

Apparently, this is the way it works. It’s like a secret club until you join and then somehow you know instantly what the rules of engagement are: share photos, admire and adore, ask their names and ages, admire some more. Thankfully, it’s easy.

I now know that when I go somewhere with my grandson, I’m no longer me. In fact, I’m hardly visible. I’m just “Grandma.” I have this adorable little person with me who attracts nice people like a magnet and suddenly I have instant friends.

What a great club.


Amy Coward is a public relations professional in Columbia, SC. When she is not managing the madness of event planning at Palmetto Health Foundation, she is turning her empty nest upside down looking for fun and finding it. 



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