FEBRUARY ONLY: Pawmetto Lifeline’s $20 Female Cat Spays, “Beat The Heat” Ending Soon

February 22, 2016

Pawmetto Lifeline still has appointment’s available for the “Beat the Heat” $20 female cat spay campaign. The campaign is open to all residents, no zip code restrictions, and will be offered until the end of February. Those interested in booking an appointment can call our Spay/Neuter Clinic at (803) 465-9100 or email [email protected].

Warmer weather may still be months away, but Pawmetto Lifeline wants you to “Beat the Heat” by spaying your cat in advance of her heat cycle and preventing unwanted litters from being born this spring. Animal shelters commonly refer to spring time as “kitten season” because that is when they receive the largest influx of unwanted litters that are difficult to adopt.

That’s why Pawmetto Lifeline is offering a special “Beat the Heat” campaign sponsored by PetSmart Charities, the largest funder of animal welfare efforts in North America  Through the “Beat the Heat” campaign, Pawmetto Lifeline will provide $20 spay surgeries for female cats during the month of February.

Spaying and neutering is one of the most effective ways to reduce the homeless pet population and is safe for kittens as young as eight to 10 weeks old, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association. Spaying a female cat before the first heat cycle can be beneficial, improving the health of the pet by reducing the risk of certain reproductive cancers and infections.

This special $20 rate is even less than the organization’s normal low-cost price and is available to all residents of Lexington and Richland counties. Cat parents who wish to take advantage of this offer must mention the “Beat the Heat” campaign when they schedule their appointment. This campaign is based on availability.

Thanks to the PetSmart Charities grant, Pawmetto Lifeline will provide 400 female cat “Beat the Heat” sterilizations for $20 in February. Please visitwww.pawmettolifeline.org or call (803) 465-9100 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

PetSmart Charities’ “Beat the Heat” campaign provides more than $616,370 to spay/neuter clinics to fund affordable, high-quality spay and neuter surgeries for more than 19,536 female cats across the nation during the month of February.



About Pawmetto Lifeline:

Pawmetto Lifeline is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit animal rescue organization with a plan to end pet overpopulation in the Midlands through education, legislation, spay/neuter programs, and responsible pet adoptions. Pawmetto Lifeline’s long-term goal is to transform the Midlands into a no-kill community, meaning no healthy adoptable pet is euthanized simply because it is homeless. For more information, please visitwww.pawmettolifeline.org.


About PetSmart Charities:

PetSmart Charities, Inc. is a nonprofit animal welfare organization that saves the lives of homeless pets. More than 400,000 dogs and cats find homes each year through our adoption program in all PetSmart® stores and our sponsored adoption events. PetSmart Charities grants more money to directly help pets in need than any other animal welfare group in North America, with a focus on funding spay/neuter services that help communities solve pet overpopulation. PetSmart Charities is a 501(c)(3) organization, separate from PetSmart, Inc.