South Carolina Business Recognized in Google’s National Economic Impact Report

May 27, 2015

Beija-Flor Jeans Serves as Example of a Business Succeeding with the Help of the Internet


COLUMBIA, SC – Google released its annual Economic Impact Report, a study highlighting the economic benefits received by businesses and nonprofits across the country through the continued growth of e-commerce. The report also includes business examples and growth statistics from all fifty states. Last year alone, Google helped provide $777 million of economic activity for 16,000 South Carolina businesses.

“Google is well-known for helping people search for and find the information they want,” said Margo Georgiadis, Google’s President of Americas Sales. “Through our search and advertising programs, businesses find customers, publishers earn money from their online content and nonprofits get donations and volunteers. The Economic Impact Report details how millions of businesses use our tools to make money. It’s these solutions that make Google an engine for economic growth,” concluded Georgiadis.

Across America in 2014, Google’s tools helped provide $131 billion of economic activity for 1.8 million businesses, website publishers and non-profits.

What does this mean for South Carolina?

The expansion of the Internet is building exciting new opportunities for web-based companies, as well as brick-and-mortar establishments.

Greenville’s Beija-Flor Jeans was selected by Google to serve as South Carolina’s case study example of a business that is using the Internet to achieve better results with limited resources.  The company known for “denim created by women, for women” has experienced great success, thanks to its use of the internet for online marketing and advertising.

For more information about Beija-Flor, and to view the full Economic Impact Report, please visit

To speak directly with a Google representative, please contact A.T. McWilliams at  [email protected].