POSSCON, ConvergeSE & Indie Bits join forces as the new tech branch of Indie Grits

April 8, 2015

Three world-class events combine to create a robust tech experience at Indie Grits 2015

COLUMBIA, SC – As the lines between media arts, visual arts and technology become more permeable, the City of Columbia continues to strengthen bonds with some of the regions most innovative game developers, technologists and designers. For the first time ever, Columbia and Indie Grits will play host to three world-class technology events the week ofApril 14 – 19:  POSSCON, ConvergeSE and Indie Bits.

Columbia is a center for emerging technology, design, art and film and was recently identified by the Bay Area Council as being #2 and #4 in high tech job growth nationwide.

“Individually Indie Bits, POSSCON and ConvergeSE are each remarkable events. Together they’re something truly special synthesizing a critical mass of creative energy that allows us to see the world not just as it is, but as it can be,” said Columbia Mayor Steve Benjamin. “We’re very proud of this unique collaboration and we’re confident that the results will exceed our highest expectations.”

Here’s the rundown for all the technology events at Indie Grits 2015:

POSSCON – Tuesday, April 14 – Wednesday, April 15

POSSCON is a two-day tech conference focusing on open source, open tech and the open web. Some of the most well known technologists in the United States will participate as well as many major technology companies. POSSCON will offer keynotes, tutorials, workshops and networking and take place at six venues throughout Columbia’s Vista. For a full schedule and to register: posscon.org

Converge SE – Wednesday, April 15 – Saturday, April 18

ConvergeSE is a multi-track, multi-day event that spans across downtown Columbia, getting help from over 600 as designers, developers, front-end engineers, marketers, business leaders, start up companies, film producers/directors as well as old and new-school creative types from across the United States and around the world. For more information, event schedule or to register: convergese.com

Indie Bits – Wednesday, April 16 – Saturday, April 18

Indie Bits is a celebration of independent gaming and interactive media designed to foster collaboration between developers and enthusiasts, academics and artists interested in games and gaming technologies. All events are free and open to the public. For a schedule: indiebitsfest.com.

For more information on the tech portion of Indie Grits, visit www.indiegrits.com. Follow @IndieGrits on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.