Intel Foundation awards grant for Dutch Fork Be A Fan 5K event

January 14, 2015

IRMO, SC – A new 5K race to support students with special needs in Lexington-Richland School District Five is gaining key support and contributions.

The Dutch Fork Be A Fan 5K and MATP (Motor Activities Training Program) Exceptional Student Games has been awarded an matching seed grant by the Intel Foundation. Officials with District Five’s Office of Special Services say the nearly $2,200 award from the company will assist with one-time startup costs typically associated with large events. Intel employees also will volunteer their time for the 5K and in-house Special Olympics and MATP games. The 5K Walk/Run/Roll will be held on Dutch Fork Middle and Dutch Fork High School campuses on Jan. 31.

“The Intel Foundation’s award will complement nicely the support students have received from District Five,” said Essie Ford, a Dutch Fork special education teacher who helps host Special Olympics and MATP Games for students in the district. “(I hope) hosting a fun, family, community-driven event will assist Dutch Fork in improving the experience for students, teachers, faculty and parents for future years.”

The Intel Foundation’s Matching Seed was announced in early January. Tally Taylor, Intel Corp. Project Team Leader, said, “Intel has always encourage us to get involved in the community, and we can’t think of a better way to do that than help our schools celebrate these great kids.”

District Five Special Services Coordinator Jinni Friend said, “This is an excellent way to start the New Year. We are proud that our District is home to teachers like Ms. Ford who find wonderful ways to celebrate our special needs students and give all of us an opportunity to share in that excitement. The grant will both help the district offer great events and establish a wonderful relationship between the district and the Intel Corporation.”

Information about the 1st annual Dutch Fork Be A Fan 5K and Games can be found online at the Dutch Fork High School website under the “Be A Fan” tab. Register is also available online at