$50 – $500 for new energy efficient appliances

March 6, 2010

src=/wp-content/uploads/img/SCApplianceRebates_Logo.jpgSouth Carolina residents planning to purchase new, energy efficient appliances will be eligible to receive rebates ranging from $50 to $500 starting March 31, 2010

The rebates for new ENERGY STAR certified refrigerators, dishwashers, water heaters and other appliances are funded by our state’s share of the $300 million in federal stimulus funds being distributed to each state for appliance rebates. A total of $3.9 million will be available in South Carolina for rebates.

src=/wp-content/uploads/img/09_Ktchen_LSC27931ST_V2.jpgFor appliances bought in a store, the rebate will be applied instantly when the customer goes to the register. Installers of whole-house equipment such as water heaters and HVAC systems will reserve rebates online and then provide customers with mail-in forms. An electronic system will track each rebate issued. Rebates will not apply to online purchases or purchases made prior to March 31, 2010.

A list of participating retailers and contractors will be available at www.appliancerebates.sc.gov. The site will also indicate the amount of money remaining for rebates. The program will continue until all funds are exhausted.

Rebate levels were determined based upon the cost difference between a standard appliance and an ENERGY STAR model. ENERGY STAR qualified appliances incorporate advanced technologies that use 10–50 percent less energy and water than standard models.


Customers who purchase a new appliance must turn in the old item. Stores and contractors participating in the rebate program must agree to recycle all old appliances in accordance with standard industry practice. Recycling is required to ensure that inefficient appliances are removed from the power grid.


Representatives of the Energy Office will be on site at the Carolina Classic Home and Garden Show March 12 – 14, 2010 at the State Fairgrounds to answer questions about the program. Retailers and contractors participating in the Home Expo will also be on hand to discuss appliance specific features. For more information about the home and garden show, visit www.colulmbiabuilders.com