Comptroller Richard Eckstrom's statement on Governor Sanford's State of the State address:

January 20, 2010

COLUMBIA, SC – January 20, 2010 – S.C. Comptroller Richard Eckstrom issued the following statement on Governor Sanford’s State of the State address:

During the past year, citizens across our state and nation have been rallying for a return to common sense government.  With all the fiscal challenges we’re facing — severe budget shortfalls, ballooningdeficits, and public debt extending far into the futures of our children and grandchildren — government leaders need to pay closer attention to these citizen concerns.

Governor Sanford outlined ways to reduce the cost of government, and once again called for setting spending limits and living within our means, just as families would. Those ideas have great merit, like his call to restructure state government to make it work more economically and effectively.

With these enormous fiscal challenges, it’s time to look closer not just at the structure of government, but at the fundamental question of what services government should provide.  As public coffers empty faster than they can be refilled, it seems reasonable to consider eliminating any services that don’t meet the government necessity test. The nation’s founders envisioned a government of limited powers, one that does only those things individuals can’t do for themselves, and we’d do well to honor that vision.

Given the magnitude of our fiscal challenges, state leaders simply must set aside political and personal differences, and commit to working together in a positive way to meet these challenges. Yes, stand on principle, and fight for beliefs. But don’t let yesterday’s disagreements hinder today’s and tomorrow’s efforts to make our state a better place.