IMA Elects John M. Brausch as New Chair

July 8, 2009

MONTVALE, NJ – July 8, 2009 – The Institute of Management Accountants (IMA®) announces the election of John M. Brausch, CMA®, CFM®, CPA as Board of Directors Chair for the 2009-2010 fiscal year. Through June 30, 2010, Mr. Brausch will serve as senior volunteer leader for the organization’s worldwide network of about 60,000 accounting and finance professionals. Concurrently, he also serves as chair of IMA’s Governance Committee. 

“I’m honored to work with John as IMA enters a critical phase of its global growth strategy for the coming year. He is a senior level practitioner who has made many stops on the management accountant career path. His mentoring, speeches, and published writings are an asset to advancing our global profession,” said Jeff Thomson, IMA president and CEO.

Mr. Brausch is vice president-property operations controller for Edens & Avant, one of the nation’s largest private developers and owners of retail shopping centers. He is the author of “Selling Activity Based Costing,” The Trials and Travails of State Tax Policy, and Who’s Accounting for the Cost of Capacity?, co-written with Dr. Tom Taylor of Wake Forest University. He is also the author of Target Costing for Profit Enhancement, which won the Lybrand Medal for its outstanding contribution to accounting literature from IMA. This article was also selected by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) as an Article of Merit and is included in the book, Activity Based Management in Action. 

“IMA brings a great deal of value to its members, through certification, communities, research and continuing education,” said Mr. Brausch. “I’m proud to lead IMA in its mission of upholding the highest standards in this diverse and changing profession.”

In line with his commitment to the CMA certification program, he is past chair of the ICMA Board of Regents and was a Regent and a member of ICMA’s Exam Review Committee. He also served as chair of IMA’s Performance Oversight and Audit Committee, the Planning and Development Committee, and the Nominating Committee. 

Mr. Brausch is a graduate of The Citadel in Charleston, SC and serves as a mentor in The Citadel’s School of Business Administration. He also holds an MBA from the University of Montana.

About IMA®
With a worldwide network of about 60,000 professionals, IMA is the world’s leading organization dedicated to empowering accounting and finance professionals to drive business performance. IMA provides a dynamic forum for professionals to advance their careers through Certified Management Accountant (CMA®) certification, research, professional education, networking, and advocacy of the highest ethical and professional standards. For more information about IMA, please visit