New South Family Supper, April 14 in Atlanta
March 6, 2013Impact of the Event: Dollars raised for the SFA support the documentary work of the organization.
Cookery in this region has long leveraged tradition. In the NEW SOUTH, chefs also leverage innovation.
With music from Doria Roberts, the Atlanta singer and activist whose voice mirrors Nina Simone and whose recent travels inspired a Farm to Ear Tour.
Tickets are $350 and include all food, drink, and programming. Buy your tickets today!
Proceeds from the evening will benefit the Southern Foodways Alliance, based at the University of Mississippi. Through documentary, classroom, and outreach initiatives, SFA sets a common table where black andwhite, rich and poor–all who gather–may consider our history and ourfuture in a spirit of reconciliation.
**Showcasing the following chefs from across the South…
Carla Tomasko, Bacchanalia, Atlanta, GA