SCI Lowcountry Fundraiser Banquet March 23

February 27, 2013

CHARLESTON, SC – March 23, 2013 – SCI Lowcountry Fundraiser Banquet

The annual banquet for the Lowountry Chapter of Safari Club International will be held March 23 at The Harbour Club, 35 Prioleau St., Charleston.

Doors open 6 p.m., dinner and auctions 7 p.m. Auctions and drawings will offer international and U.S. hunts, fishing, golf and beach stays, firearms and gear.

Proceeds support the Wounded Warrior Wheelchair hunts, Boy Scouts, American Wilderness Leadership Training and many other conservation causes.

Dinner (with three drinks) $85 per person.

New members will have a chance to win a 10-day African safari, airfare not included.

For banquet tickets and Information about SCI. call 843-889-2227 or email