Jubilee Project Showcases “Truth” And Unity Through Song

February 25, 2013

CHARLESTON, SC – February 26, 2013 – The College of Charleston willpresent “Uniting Through Song”, an evening of spirituals and gospelmusic, on Tuesday, February 26, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at the SottileTheatre. The concert will feature the Claflin University Concert Choirand a guest performance by the College of Charleston Gospel Choir.Admission is free.
The event is part of the Jubilee Project and is sponsored by the Cougar Activities Board, the Department ofMusic, Friends of the School of the Arts, the Office of InstitutionalDiversity and the Office of Multicultural Student Programs and Services.
Also, now through March 3, 2013, the play, “A Woman Called Truth”, isbeing presented by Charleston Stage at the Dock Street Theater. “A Woman Called Truth” chronicles the remarkable story of Sojourner Truth fromthe day she was a slave girl and sold away from her family, through herstruggle to free herself and her son, to her emergence as a leader andadvocate for abolition and pioneer for women’s rights.
“This play combines Truth’s actual words with authentic slave songs,spirituals, and folk songs to tell a moving and powerful story,” saysTeresa Smith, Director of the the Office of Multicultural StudentPrograms and Services. “The play will give the students and thecommunity a glimpse of slavery and how African American families weretorn apart and sold, as well as how they suffered and sacrificed to befree.”
The Jubilee Project is a collaborative and academic cultural projectthat celebrates the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation,as well as the 50th anniversary of the desegregation of public schools.Events began on New Years Eve 2012 and will run through the end of theyear.
For more information contact Ernest Brevard at 843.953.5367 or visit http://jubileeprojectsc.wordpress.com.