Philosopher to Speak at PC about Child Sacrifice
February 18, 2013CLINTON, SC – March 1, 2013 – Dr. Stephen Evans of Baylor University will be speaking at Presbyterian College on March 1, 2013 from 12:00 to 12:50 in Edmunds Hall. His presentation to students, faculty, staff, and guests is titled Kierkegaard’s Treatment of the “Binding of Isaac”: Must a Person of Faith Be Willing to Approve of Child Sacrifice? The community is welcome to attend.
C. Stephen Evans received his Bachelor’s degree from Wheaton College in 1969 and his Ph.D. from Yale University in 1974. He is currently University Professor of Philosophy and Humanities at Baylor University. His published works have focused on the Danish philosopher Kierkegaard, philosophy of religion, and the philosophy of psychology.
Dr. Bob Bryant,Professor of Religion at Presbyterian College, anticipates that thepresentation will challenge those in attendance.
Anyone who cares about the relationship between faith and reason today will benefit a greatdeal from Professor Evans’ insights and be challenged to probe moredeeply his or her own ethical bearing and impact on others. Certainly,the challenge he offers fits solidly within the aims of PresbyterianCollege, and we are grateful for his presence with us.
Evans has written fourteen single-authored books, the most recent being Natural Signs and Knowledge of God (Oxford Univ. Press), a book which in 2012 won the C. S. Lewis Book Prize forbest book in philosophy of religion since 2007. His book God and Moral Obligation will be published by Oxford University Press in early 2013. Evans haspublished many professional articles and has received two Fellowshipsfrom National Endowment for the Humanities and a major grant from thePew Charitable Trusts.
Prior to Baylor, Evanstaught at Wheaton College; St. Olaf College, where he served as Curatorof the Howard and Edna Hong Kierkegaard Library as well as a member ofthe philosophy department; and at Calvin College, where, besidesteaching philosophy, he served as Dean for Research and Scholarship andwas the inaugural holder of the William Spoelhof Teacher-Scholar Chair. He is a past president of the Society of Christian Philosophers.
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Located between Columbia and Greenville in South Carolina, Presbyterian College offers challenging academics while preparing students to be leaders intheir communities. PC students benefit from exceptional faculty who take a personal interest in their students’ well-being, both personally andin the classroom.