MUSC hosting Pack a Heart Healthy Brownbag

February 11, 2013

Date: Thursday, February 14, 2013

Time: 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.


North Charleston MUSC After Hours Care, 2750 Danztler Drive, Unit 102, North Charleston, S.C., 29406

Mt. Pleasant MUSC After Hours Care, 2705 Hwy 17N, Suite 100, Mt. Pleasant, S.C., 29466

MUSC After Hours Care invites children up to age 17 to bring your valentine (human or toy) to have an accurate weight, height, and BMI. Information on nutrition from The Boeing Center for Children’s Wellness Heart Health program and pediatric specialty clinics will be provided. A list of local pediatricians will be available to assure your valentine gets great care all year! Make sure your valentine gets a special gift.

This event provides a developmentally appropriate experience for a child to come to the clinic and watch his or her valentine get weighed and measured, talk with health professionals, and get comfortable with the clinic environment so if they have to come they will know what to expect. We’ll also announce the winner at North Charleston for who made the closest guess on our “guess the snowballs” game. Mt. Pleasant will be drawing winners for their “make your valentine” contest.  Prizes for these winners are provided by Kohl’s.