War Of 1812: A Bicentennial Symposium

February 4, 2013

CHARLESTON, SC – February 9, 2013 – TheCitadel and Old Exchange Building are sponsoring the War of 1812: ABicentennial Symposium at the Old Exchange Building (122 East Bay Street) from8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 9, 2013. The symposium willfeature speakers who are distinguished scholars of the War of 1812. There willalso be a panel discussion and a book signing reception. Dr. Don Hickey willmoderate the event. Admission is $10 and space is limited. For more informationand to reserve a seat contact the Old Exchange Building at (843) 727-2165 visitthe website http://oldexchange.org or email MichaelCoker cokerm@charleston-sc.gov.

Visit the Old Exchange Building’s website (http://oldexchange.org) toview a calendar of community events commemorating the bicentennial of the Warof 1812, including a traveling mini-exhibit entitled “War of 1812: A NationForged by War” that is on display in the Great Hall of the Old Exchange untilthe end of February. The exhibit illustrates the role the U.S. Navy, U.S.Marine Corps, and U.S. Revenue Cutter Service played in securing Europeanrecognition of the U. S. as an independent nation and covers the naval and landbattles.



DonHickeyis the 2013 General Mark Clark Distinguished Visiting Professor of History atThe Citadel, and Professor of History at Wayne State College.  He is oneof the nation’s preeminent scholars of the War of 1812, having authored sevenbooks on the conflict.  His book The War of 1812: A Forgotten Conflict(now in a new 2012 bicentennial edition) won the American Military Institute’sBest Book Award and the National Historical Society’s Book Prize.  Hisother prominent works include Don’t Give Up the Ship! Myths of the War of1812 (2006); The Rockets’ Red Glare: An Illustrated History of the Warof 1812 (2011); and a forthcoming collection of documents for the Libraryof America series, entitled The War of 1812: Writings from America’s “SecondWar of Independence.”

Alan Taylor is Distinguished Professor of History at the University ofCalifornia-Davis, and one of the most renowned historians of early America,having won the Pulitzer Prize for his 1995 work, William Cooper’s Town:Power and Persuasion on the Frontier of the Early American Republic. His award-winning research particularly examines the frontiers and borderlandsof the early American republic, including his widely acclaimed recent work, TheCivil War of 1812: American Citizens, British Subjects, Irish Rebels, andIndian Allies (2010); The Divided Ground: Indians, Settlers, and theNorthern Borderland of the American Revolution (2006); and Liberty Menand Great Proprietors: the Revolutionary Settlement on the Maine Frontier1760-1820 (1990).  Professor Taylor has also authored the finestsingle-volume overview of colonial North America, American Colonies(2001).

 J.C.A.Stagg is Professor at theUniversity of Virginia and the Editor of the James Madison Papers.  He isthe one of the foremost scholars of the political, diplomatic, and militaryhistory of the War of 1812, with special emphases on the social history of theU.S. Army, 1802-1815, and the Spanish borderlands.  He has edited nearlytwenty volumes of James Madison’s papers for publication by the UniversityPress of Virginia, and authored dozens of essays and two widely-acclaimed bookson the contest, Mr. Madison’s War: Politics, Diplomacy, and Warfare in theEarly American Republic, 1783-1830 (1983) and The War of 1812: Conflictfor a Continent (2012).

Nicole Eustace is Associate Professor of History and Program Director ofthe History of Women and Gender Master’s Degree at New York University. Her scholarship focuses on eighteenth-century British America and the earlyUnited States, and she is the author of a number of acclaimed essays and bookson the era’s cultural history: “The Sentimental Paradox: Humanity and Violenceon the Pennsylvania Frontier,” William and Mary Quarterly 65 (2008); PassionIs the Gale: Emotion, Power, and the Coming of the American Revolution(2008) and 1812: War and the Passions of Patriotism (2012).

R. David Edmunds is currently Anne and Chester Watson Chair in Historyat the University of Texas-Dallas, and one of the most distinguished historiansof American Indians and the American West.  His biographies of Tecumseh and Tenskwatawaare widely hailed as the definitive studies of those crucial Native leaders ofthe early 1800s.  Dr. Edmunds has written or edited ten books and over onehundred essays, articles, and other shorter publications. His major workshave been awarded the Francis Parkman Prize, The Potawatomis: Keepers Of TheFire (1978); the Ohioana Prize for Biography, The Shawnee Prophet(1983); and the Alfred Heggoy Prize of the French Colonial HistoricalSociety, The Fox Wars: The Mesquakie Challenge To New France(1993).

Donald E. Graves is one of Canada’s foremost military historians, and isdescended from an old Loyalist family in Ontario.  He is currently theManaging Director of the Ensign Heritage Group, and has worked as a historianfor Parks Canada, Canada’s National Historic Sites Service, the NationalArchives of Canada, and the National Defense Directorate of History.  Hehas authored a number of seminal books on the military history of the War of1812 and the British Army in the Napoleonic Wars: Dragon Rampant: The RoyalWelch Fusiliers at War, 1793-1815 (2010), Field of Glory: The Battleof Crysler’s Farm, 1813 (1999), Red Coats & Grey Jackets: TheBattle of Chippawa, 5 July 1814 (1996), and Where Right and Glory Lead!The Battle of Lundy’s Lane, 1814 (rev. ed. 1997).