Winter wonderland and a very coastal Christmas are coming to Edisto
December 4, 2012Parade on Saturday, December 8, at 2 p.m.
EDISTO ISLAND, SC – The Edisto Island and Edisto Beach communities are busy making a list andchecking it twice for all the events falling into place, just in timefor the holidays. They’re also looking ahead to what stands to be arobust winter / spring season soon behind.
In celebration of the holidays, the Edisto Island Serpentarium will beopen Friday and Saturday nights, through December 21, from 6:00 p.m. to9:00 p.m., for the second annual Christmas lights display. The atriumand outdoor area will be open and decorated. After viewing the holidaylights, visitors may enjoy sipping hot chocolate and roastingmarshmallows over an open fire.
The 22nd annual Edisto Christmas parade, “Christmas on the Coast,” will takeplace on Saturday, December 8, at 2 p.m. Sponsored by the EdistoChamber of Commerce, the parade begins at the 600 block of PalmettoBoulevard along Edisto Beach and ends at the Pavilion, near Edisto Beach State Park. The lighting of the Town Christmas Tree will take place at 1:30 p.m., just before the parade begins. Local businesses areplanning a number of events, including oyster roasts, shrimp boils,barbeques, and live music, which will follow the parade.
The annual Edisto Community Chorus Christmas Concert is set for Sunday,December 9, at 7 p.m. The performance, sponsored by the EdistoMinisterial Alliance, will be held at the Edisto Beach Baptist Church,located at 414 Jungle Road on Edisto Beach. The inspiring choral voices help to put everyone in the holiday spirit.
With spring not far behind, island lovers may want to hold the date of thethird annual Edisto Ultimate Chef Competition, set for Saturday, March16. Chefs and enthusiastic cooks will “cook-off” at McConkey’s JungleShack for the Ultimate Chef title. In conjunction with the ChefCompetition, the second annual 5K Walk and Fun Run will also be held onthe same day. The walk and run will start at 8:30 a.m.
That following week, the Edisto Art Guild Players will present “The RedVelvet Cake War” at the Edisto Beach Civic Center, March 21 – 24. Theopening night will also offer a dinner theater.
Next to tee up will be the Plantation Golf Course at Edisto, set to host the fourth annual Low Country Classic High School Tournament on April 6 and 7. Twenty high school teams from South Carolina will be competing.
The Arts & Crafts Market will once again be open every Wednesday from9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. located at Bay Creek Park, starting in March.
Other spring events planned for this getaway sea island include a seasonalcraft show by the Edisto Art Guild, fishing and golfing tournaments, the annual Edisto Day Bazaar, and a Home Tour, among other year-roundtravel adventures that await on Edisto.
About Edisto Island
Set in a rare, sparsely-developed corner of the world, Edisto, with itsvast green spaces, ancient live oaks, wide open marsh views, and quiet,pristine beach, offers a coastal island experience uncommon today amongEastern seaboard communities. Visitors and residents alike enjoy aslower pace of life, coupled with a broad range of year-roundrecreational activities, all set in the Lowcountry of South Carolina.This is the coastal island destination that is said to offer its own“state of mind…any time, any season.” For more information, please callthe Edisto Chamber of Commerce at 843-869-3867 or 1-888-333-2781 or visit