TriCounty Technical College and SCMEP to Host Workshop to Help Companies Increase Sales
November 19, 2012December 5, Anderson, SC
ANDERSON, SC – TriCounty TechnicalCollege along with SCMEP are hosting a Business Innovation MasterclassWorkshop to help companies implement a sustainable business growthsystem. The event will be held on Wednesday, December 5 at TriCountyTechnical College from 7:30 am until Noon.
South Carolina’sleading economic development engines along with statewide privateconsulting groups are facilitating the event. This half-day workshopwill teach companies how to implement a sustainable system to introducenew products or services, expand into to new markets, and launch newmessaging campaigns. The workshop covers business innovation strategy,marketing, and modeling and simulation for growth. Executives and upperlevel managers from manufacturing and distribution companies areencouraged to attend.
The workshop facilitators arerepresentatives from the South Carolina Manufacturing ExtensionPartnership (SCMEP), who will help participants with developing betterbusiness innovation strategies to benefit companies. Companies willlearn how Nike, Hewlett Packard, Walt Disney, Procter & Gamble,Slumberger and Ford Motor Company have applied this proven system togenerate sustainable business growth. The Southeastern Institute ofManufacturing and Technology (SiMT) will present how virtual simulations and 3-D modeling technology can boost your employee training andproduct marketing effectiveness to help drive business growth. Strategic Marketing International (SMI) will present marketing communicationsstrategies to promote business innovations in a quicklychanging electronic world. The workshop will include presentations,demonstrations, and one-on-one breakout sessions to help apply thelearnings to your business.
The December 5th event will takeplace at TriCounty Technical College, Pendleton Campus 7900 highway 76,Pendleton, SC 29670, in the Industrial and Business Development Center,Room 126. The cost is $15 per person and includes breakfast, which willbe served at 7:30. The workshop begins at 8:00 am. To register for the event, call Teresa Kirby at 803-252-6976 Ext. 4 or visit our website at