National security consultant Randy Deitering to visit The Citadel

November 5, 2012

CHARLESTON, SC – Currently an independent consultant/instructor, Deitering has more than 35 years of experience as an expert on U.S. national security, intelligence and homeland security matters. 

Most recently, he has taught a variety of analytic tradecraft courses for numerous government intelligence and homeland security agencies.  Previously, he was a senior instructor with ODNI Analysis 101,” an introductory course on critical thinking and basic skills for new U.S intelligence analysts, sponsored by the Director of National Intelligence and accredited by Johns Hopkins University. 

Before retiring from government work in 2006, Deitering was a Visiting Professor and Senior CIA Officer-in-Residence at the University of South Carolina Honors College, where he taught courses and guest lectured on contemporary US national security, intelligence and homeland security issues.

Deitering served four consecutive Presidents – Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush – as a national security official on the White House staff.

On Thursday, Deitering will discuss U.S. intelligence analysis, changes, challenges and transformation and will examine ever-evolving forces that are recasting and re-forging the tradecraft of intelligence analysis.

(General Public) For more information call 843-953-0319