Snapshots and Pauses in the World of Jack Photo Exhibit at Unitarian Church
October 8, 2012
CHARLESTON, SC – The Unitarian Church, the oldest Unitarian congregation in theSouth, is hosting a photo exhibit by photographer Jack Hurley entitledSnapshots and Pauses in the World of Jack. The photos captureinanimate clowns and mannequins as seen by Hurley. The exhibit willcontinue until mid October at 4 Archdale Street in downtown Charleston.
I catch glimpses like these all over, in store windows, on junk andantique shop shelves and museums, said Hurley. It is a gesture or lookthat just makes me pause, smile and say… Got it!
Jack Hurley, in addition to being an accomplished photographer, is asuccessful entrepreneur with three Cosmic Dogs locations in greaterCharleston.