Time Warner Cable to Launch Ultra-Fast Wideband Internet Across South Carolina

June 16, 2011

COLUMBIA, SC – June 16, 2011 – Time Warner Cable announced plansto launch Time Warner Cable Wideband Internet for both residential andbusiness customers across South Carolina, with Columbia customers beingamong the first in the Palmetto State to receive this enhanced Internetoffering. 

“We are empowering our customers with pure online power to save timeand boost productivity when multitasking with multiple devices,” saidCharlene Keys, area vice president of operations, South Carolina. “TimeWarner Cable’s Wideband Internet is our most powerful Internet productfor customers and will more than triple current Internet speeds.”
Wideband Internet will be available to Columbia customers in earlysummer, with other South Carolina cities receiving the service laterthis year.  The $8 million project is slated for completion by the endof 2011.  The next generation of Internet technology produces speeds ofup to 50 Mbps downstream and 5 Mbps upstream. 

Wideband Internet will continue to offer customers wirelesscapability, with convenient mobility throughout the home and theflexibility to utilize up to five devices simultaneously.  

“Customers can leverage this new technology to enhance the speed ofmulti-device connectivity,” added Keys. “For example, a multi-usercustomer could download files, stream a TV show and upload photos withinseconds on different devices at the same time.  “Time Warner Cable iscommitted to delivering products that meet the high-speed data needs ofour business customers and our residential customers who want thefastest speeds at home for their computers, smart phones and gameconsoles.”
For more information about Wideband Internet and all other Time Warner Cable products and services, visit www.yourtwc.com.
About Time Warner Cable

Time Warner Cable’s East Region provides technologically advancedvideo, Internet and telephone services to more than 5.9 millionresidential and business customers.  Time Warner Cable’s East Regionserves more than 1,300 cities in nine states, including Alabama, Maine,Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina,South Carolina and Virginia.  The East Region has more than 17,000employees focused on delivering the company’s mission every day byconnecting people and businesses with information, entertainment andeach other. 
Time Warner Cable is the second-largest cable operator in the U.S., withwell-clustered systems located mainly in five geographic areas — NewYork State (including New York City), the Carolinas, Ohio, southernCalifornia (including Los Angeles) and Texas.  Time Warner Cable servesmore than 14 million customers who subscribe to one or more of itsvideo, high-speed data and voice services.  Time Warner Cable BusinessClass offers a suite of phone, Internet, Ethernet and cable televisionservices to businesses of all sizes. Time Warner Cable Media, theadvertising arm of Time Warner Cable, offers national, regional andlocal companies innovative advertising solutions that are targeted andaffordable.  More information about the services of Time Warner Cable isavailable at www.timewarnercable.com, www.twcbc.com and www.twcmedia.com.