Brookgreen Summer Camps Offer Education and Summer Fun for Children & Adults

March 3, 2011

Camp Brookgreen 2011 will host one-week sessions of summer fun andeducational enrichment that will include activities at BrookgreenGardens and Huntington Beach State Park.  Some of the activities include storytelling, arts and crafts, native animal interactive programs, and a boat ride along freshwater creeks and rivers.  Two two-day arts campsalso will be available.

Sessions for rising 2nd and 3rd graders will be June 13-17, 20-24, and27-July 1. Sessions for rising 4th and 5th graders will be July 11-25and 18-22.  

A two-day Summer Arts Camp, for rising 6th and 7th graders, “WireArmature Sculpture” by artist Diane Turnley,  will be July 5-6.

Another two-day Summer Arts Camp for rising 8th and 9th graders, “ClayWorkshop for Kids”with artist Janice Mauro, will be June 15 and 16.

Registration is ongoing for members of Brookgreen Gardens and beginsMarch 28 for non-members. Call 843-235-6049 for more information. Camphours are 10:00-3:00, Monday through Friday, and the cost per child is$160 for members of Brookgreen Gardens and $185 for non-members.  Summer Arts Camp hours are 10:00-2:00, and the cost per child is $100 an $80for non-members.  The cost per child for “Clay Workshop for Kids” is $80 for members and $100 for non-members.  Per session, the maximum numberof participants is 15 and the minimum is 8.

Brookgreen Gardens

Brookgreen Gardens, a National Historic Landmark and non-profitorganization, is located on U.S. 17 between Myrtle Beach and PawleysIsland, South Carolina, and is open to the public daily. For moreinformation, consult our web site at or call843-235-6000.