Watermelon Field Day at Edisto REC

June 7, 2010

BLACKVILLE, SC – July 8, 2010 –  A WatermelonField Day will be held at the Edisto Research and Education Center(EREC) in Blackville, SC on July 8. The field day will begin withregistration at 8:45 a.m. in the EREC office complex and the indoorsession will begin at 9:00 a.m. in the EREC auditorium. 

Program Topics will include: SC Watermelon Board and Associationactivities, Brad Boozer; Soil Water Holding Demo, Gilbert Miller;Nutrient Transfer from Soil to Plant, Dr. Christina Wells; and Fungicide Update, Dr. Tony Keinath.

Following the indoor sessions, participants will have the opportunityfor a field tour of research projects and variety trials.

The field research tours will include: Irrigation and Grafted Watermelon Research Project; Gravity Flow Drip Irrigation; Seedless watermelonreplicated variety trial with 25 different varieties; Mini-watermelonreplicated variety trial with 12 different varieties; and Field Daywatermelon trial with 45 watermelon varieties.

Following the field tour, participants will return to the EREC officecomplex for refreshing, cold watermelon, lunch and further discussion.Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) and Pesticide License credits will beoffered.

For more information and directions to the Edisto Station, call theEdisto Research and Education Center, 803-284-3343 Ext. 273, BradBoozer, SC Department of Agriculture, 803-734-2225 or your local CountyAgent.