National Veterans Tour Comes to Charleston, Promotes Energy Independence

April 29, 2010

Veterans say oil dependence funds enemies, failed states breed terror

This Friday, as part of a four-month national bus tour, the Veterans for American Power National Tour will come to Charleston, South Carolina. The tour of US military veterans will highlight the connection between oil dependence and national security. The Tour was recently extended to 13 additional states as comprehensive energy legislation gains momentum in the US Senate thanks to Sen. Lindsey Graham’s leadership.

Joining the veterans in Charleston will be South Carolina native Sergeant Peter Skidmore (U.S. Army) and Mayor Joe Riley.

Press conference with SC veteran Peter Skidmore and Mayor Riley

WHERE: In front of Charleston City Hall, 80 Broad Street, Charleston, SC 29401-2225

WHEN: Friday, April 30 @ 10 a.m.

VISUAL: 45-foot long wrapped tour bus


This is the third of seven cities the Tour will visit in South Carolina.  It will also visit Greenville, Columbia and Florence on the 28th, Sumter and North Charleston on the 29th, and Beaufort on the 30th.  Previously the tour was in Washington, D.C. The Tour began January 13th in front of the US Capitol.

The Veterans for American Power Tour is a campaign of Operation Free, a bipartisan coalition of veterans and national security organizations dedicated to securing America with clean energy. Learn more at . Operation Free is a campaign of the Truman National Security Project.